One of the most complete Handwriting Analysis Books Stores

The Karohs International School of Handwriting Analysis®provides more than a dozen handwriting analysis books and ebook for learning graphology, effective analysis writing and marketing your business.

BOOKS TO LEARN GRAPHOLOGY All the books are based upon sound graphological principles generally accepted in the field of handwriting analysis. Many of the books will help you to deepen the knowledge you have gleaned from the certification courses, while others will put well researched and illustrated reference works at your fingertips.
[wc_box color=”primary” text_align=”left”] The Encyclopedia of Handwriting Analysis (30 volumes) [/wc_box] The first edition of the Encyclopedia was published starting in 1986 to provide handwriting analysts with a less frustrating source of information in all areas of the field. Since 2008, volumes 1 through 10 have been thoroughly revised, re-printed and republished. More volumes will follow as they are completed.   Aside from offering a reliable source of information, the Encyclopedia also provides fascinating reading on many subjects in the field of handwriting analysis.

The first, original Encyclopedia volumes in 1986 were still written with typewriter, and the following ones that were produced during the 1990’s had illustrations taped into them since computer and desktop publishing capabilities were not nearly as advanced as they are today. For that reason, Dr. Karohs has been and is still revising all 30 volumes. The complete text is being re-edited, in many case updates, and the books are entirely re-formatted. The illustrations in the updated volumes are cleaned and scanned, rather than taped into the text. At this time, 15 volumes have been updated, with volumes 16 through 20 to be available shortly.

Those of you who bought the original volumes should keep them carefully; they are no longer available anywhere and we have heard that people are already saving them as collectors’ items.

  Info   :

  1. Pack A : Volume 1-10 (available); Total 1.051 pages
  2. Pack B : Volume 11-20 (available)
  3. Pack C : Volume 21-30 (under revision)

Price: $150 per pack (ten volumes) Order Now

[wc_box color=”primary” text_align=”left”] The Complete Course on Measuring & Measurements [/wc_box] There exists at this time no universally valid guide for measuring slant in handwriting analysis. Various handwriting analysis schools give conflicting instructions, often leaving students confused and perplexed. In addition, most popular handwriting analysis schools teach only how to determine upslant measurements, thereby ignoring important parts of the writer’s personality. Many students have requested an authoritative guide on measuring slant. The Complete Course on Measuring and Measurements is this guide. It provides precise instructions and it explains and directs the measuring process step by step.   Info     :  1 Volume; 89 Pages Price   :  $25 Note    : BONUS material in Comprehensive Course Program Order Now
[wc_box color=”primary” text_align=”left”] Flash Cards [/wc_box] These flash cards describe and illustrate 112 personality traits. They are great because they make writing an analysis faster and easier. They fit in a briefcase or pocketbook, so you can take them with you can take them with you and be the life of a party. And when you are doing an analysis in your office, just whip out the cards and in no time you will have identified all of the traits in your handwriting sample. These flash cards are NOT something you are going to zip through once, put on a shelf and never go back to. They are a true tool kit you will keep going back to, time after time. And each time, you will strengthen your memory and eventually you will be able to spot the traits without using the cards. The flash cards are ready for printing on heavy card stock. They can be easily cut into individual cards. The description will be on one side and the illustration on the other Info        : 14 sheets; 8 illustrations per sheet (total 112 illustration) Price      : $ 25   Note      : BONUS material in Comprehensive Course Program Order Now
[wc_box color=”primary” text_align=”left”] Dictionary of Personality Traits As Seen in Handwriting [/wc_box] Most students have to refer to their course manuals for the illustrations and definitions of personality traits. This means that they have to turn on their computers or spread out two large volumes on the table just to check a certain personality trait. The dictionary decrease the time to check on traits. The Dictionary describes and illustrates 133 basic traits. It is the perfect reference work. If you are doing an analysis, just open the Dictionary and in no time you will have identified all of the traits in your handwriting sample. Illustrated. Info     :  1 Volume; 62 Pages Price     :  $29   Note      : BONUS material in Beginner and Comprehensive Course Program Order Now
[wc_box color=”primary” text_align=”left”] Personality Traits at a Glance[/wc_box] This is a one-of-a-kind book. Personality Traits At a Glance lists traits not found in conventional basic handwriting analysis courses. They were discovered by Magdalene Ivanovic, a renowned German graphologist. Using the information from this book, analysts can glean immediate insight into significant aspects of a writer’s personality from simply identifying individual strokes, curves, or angles. The book is especially helpful when (a) nothing but the signature is available; (b) the handwriting sample is very small; (c) the handwriting is mostly illegible. Analysts who have bought this book tell me that they are using it almost daily in their analysis work. Info     :  1 Volume; 130 Pages Price   :  $ 32  Order Now
[wc_box color=”primary” text_align=”left”] Handwriting Analysts Companion with 64 page Stroke Master Guide [/wc_box] How many times has it happened to you that you come across a certain handwriting indicator but cannot remember exactly what it means? You know you have read about it, but you just cannot remember where? The 4 volume Handwriting Analysts’ Companion will put an end to this frustration. It lists in alphabetical order comprehensive explanations and illustrations of (almost) all valid handwriting indicators. Of course, by necessity, it cannot cover all interpretations listed in various handwriting analysis manuals. Too many of them are farfetched and unsubstantiated. The companion lists those items generally accepted in the field of graphology as having been researched through experimentally verified observations. Info        :  4 Volumes; Total 601 Pages Price      : $ 97  Order Now
[wc_box color=”primary” text_align=”left”] Comprehensive and Illustrated Descriptions of 215 Personality Traits (6 volume set)[/wc_box] Has this ever happened to you? You have carefully scored a handwriting, but when it comes to actually writing the analysis, the proper word or imaginative phrase simply will not come? Or, the major traits that are glaring at you in a handwriting are sensitiveness and resentment? How do you describe them without being hurtful? With the Comprehensive and Illustrated Descriptions you can painlessly and quickly write analyses you can be proud of. This 6-volume set lists complete trait descriptions (one to several pages per trait) for 215 basic and evaluated traits. Each trait is clearly described and illustrated. Info        : 6 Volumes; Total 586 pages Price    :  $ 115  Order Now
[wc_box color=”primary” text_align=”left”] Measurements in Handwriting With Comprehensive Descriptions for All Measurements[/wc_box] Measuring handwriting indicators is strictly a mechanical task. Many analysts dislike it because it seems tedious and boring. However, an analysis will not be truly accurate without some kind of measuring. The 4-volume measurement guide takes the pain out of measuring. It explains step-by-step how to easily measure all 37 measurable handwriting indicators. Measurements take place on a scale from extremely constricted to extremely released. After completing the measuring part, appropriate interpretations for the various indicators can be gleaned from Volumes 2, Volume 3 and Volume 4. This kind of information is not available in this form anywhere else. 4-volume set Info       :  4 Volumes; Total 221 pages Price     :  $ 38  Note    : BONUS material in Master (SSS) Course Program Order Now
[wc_box color=”primary” text_align=”left”] Amazing Handwriting Secrets Revealed[/wc_box] Do you ever wonder what people are really saying when they put down words on paper? Are you eager to learn more of the exciting secrets that handwriting reveals? With Amazing Handwriting Secrets Revealed you can acquire a skill that will amaze people. Most importantly, you will also gain a deeper appreciation of yourself, as the unique individual that you are. Amazing Handwriting Secrets Revealed explains and illustrations 40 basic personality traits in depth. With its delightful cover, it also makes an enjoyable gift for introducing your family, friends, or clients to handwriting analysis. Info       : 1 Volume; 85 Pages Price      : $ 24  Order Now
[wc_box color=”primary” text_align=”left”] How to Analyze Printing[/wc_box] Analyzing printing seems to be one of the most difficult tasks for many analysts. Some of them refuse printing and insist upon a cursive sample for analysis. But this can result in an erroneous picture of a writer’s personality. Actually, printing is not really difficult to analyze. Most of the rules that apply to cursive writing are applicable to printing. With this book and some practice, you should be quite comfortable with analyzing printed script. Info            1 Volume; 27 Pages Price            :  $ 12  Note    : BONUS material in Master (SSS) Course Program Order Now

[wc_box color=”primary” text_align=”left”] Grapho-Cybernetics (NEW !!! Two volume edition with exercises for both the left and right hand!)[/wc_box] It has long been established in graphology that the mind changes certain personality traits via handwriting therapy. If a certain stroke is repeatedly written in a new way, the brain will change itself into becoming what is written. If a person is sensitive, but gets determined enough to focus the brain so that it doesn’t make handwriting strokes indicating sensitiveness, then the brain will also change its sensitive attitude. However, there is one stumbling block. It has been determined that so-called handwriting “beautification,” or deliberately trying to change a stroke representing a so-called problem trait (like raising a t-bar for higher goals) tends to create resistance from the subconscious mind. The unfortunate result is that the person ends up with one or more resistance traits in addition to the original undesirable trait. The Grapho-Cybernetics program uses a unique approach of global exercises. These global exercises harmonize and stabilize the overall writing pattern without focusing deliberately on specific traits, thereby bringing about positive changes without the subconscious mind being aware of it. Even so, the Grapho-Cybernetics program is not an overnight solution for changing traits. It takes dedication and commitment. Detailed step-by-step instructions are provided throughout the program. These steps must be followed explicitly, and in the exact sequence. Exercises have to be performed daily, and the program must be completed from beginning to end. A hit-and miss approach will not work. The reason Grapho-Cybernetics works where other supposed grapho-therapy methods fall short it that is uses carefully designed global exercises rather than “prettying up” individual letters, raising t-bars, or simply underlining the signature. While so-called handwriting “corrections” sometimes result in a more pleasing writing picture, this is often accompanied by pronounced subconscious resistance to the new forms resulting in increased tension or personality conflict. The results of a Grapho Cybernetics program within the personality are stability, harmony and balance without the creation of additional personality conflicts and without the emergence of resistance traits. The set includes the manual, worksheets and a log. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Grapho-Cybernetics is a program, not a course. This means that support is not included. Do not write for support. Info        : 5 Volume; Total 401 Pages Price    : $ 197  Order Now

[wc_box color=”primary” text_align=”left”] Sunday Lessons [/wc_box] These thirty “Sunday Lessons” were originally published every Sunday morning on the Internet. They do not replace a regular study course in handwriting analysis. They are about randomly selected interesting graphology subjects, intended to supplement a regular study course. For Series III Sunday Lessons, click here. The “Sunday Lessons” also includes 5 bonus lessons: Accident Proneness, Criminal Tendencies as Seen in Handwriting, Leadership Ability, Right versus Left Tendency in Handwriting, and Speed in Handwriting. Price      : $ 35  Order Now Sunday Lessons TOC
[wc_box color=”primary” text_align=”left”] The Inner Circle Papers [/wc_box] The Inner Circle papers were originally published for a limited group of anaysts. They were originally written in 1985 for the “Inner Circle” of analysts and were then sold individually. Since 1985, I have added many more papers of interest so that there are now 58 papers – some of them are over 30 pages in length! The 58 IC papers (listed below). Included in the collection are such popular papers as (Dis)honesty in Handwriting, Criminal Tendencies as Seen in Handwriting, Felon’s Claws, Legibility and Illegibility in Handwriting, Rivers and gaps in Word Spacing, The Freudian Psychosexual Stages and the Oedipus Complex in Handwriting, and The Signature and its Meaning. Info        : 4 Volumes; 804 Pages Price    : $ 105 Order Now
“One of my favorite papers you’ve written in the “Inner Circle Papers” is the one titled “Leadership Ability”. I frequently check back on that short little document, something about it appeals to me, and intuitively I sense some potential for something really good there. “The “Personality Conflicts” paper (in IC) is also a great help. It not only gave me a better understanding, from the NLP / Hypnotherapy perspective, of what goes on inside a person’s head when they’ve hit trauma or life-changing events, but I now suspect it is possible to find to which degree a person could be potentially susceptible to future traumas (considering it as a possibility, perhaps with more years of experience I’ll see patterns.. or not…).” Sincerely, Paul CR Harrison pcrharrison@gmail.com
Paul CR Harrison pcrharrison@gmail.com

List of Inner Circle Papers

  • Accident proneness as seen in handwriting
  • Active Arcade
  • Ambivalence
  • Analysis guide for a complete analysis
  • Anorexia As Seen In Handwriting
  • Arcades in Children’s Writings
  • Bimodal scores
  • Connective forms in handwriting
  • Constriction
  • Criminal tendencies as seen in handwriting
  • Directional pressure
  • Disconnectedness
  • Enrichment and simplification
  • Evasive “e’s”
  • Expansion in handwriting
  • Felons’ claws
  • Final strokes
  • Form Level in Handwriting
  • Garlands – various forms
  • Grapho-therapy for dyslexia
  • Ground Rhythm and Vocational Effectiveness
  • How to relate traits to each other
  • How To Tell (Dis)honesty from handwriting
  • Illness as seen in handwriting
  • Initial and final adjustments
  • Klages – a discussion of his works
  • Understanding ground rhythm in handwriting
  • Unpredictability
  • Variations in handwriting
  • Leadership ability as seen in handwriting
  • Left-handedness in handwriting
  • Left/right tendency in handwriting
  • Legibility and illegibility
  • Letter height in handwriting
  • Letter spacing in handwriting
  • Letter width in handwriting
  • Loops and ovals and vocational choices
  • Margins and their meaning
  • Personal pronoun “I”
  • Personality conflicts as seen in handwriting
  • Pressure – primary, secondary, and displaced
  • Problem children and their handwritings
  • Procrastination as seen in handwriting
  • Retraced and cover strokes
  • Rivers and gaps in word spacing
  • Secondary pressure – the neglected indicator
  • Signature and its meaning
  • Single curves double curves and expanded curves
  • Slant in handwriting
  • Speed in handwriting
  • The ductus – why is it so important?
  • The hidden meaning of soldered writing
  • The Non-Manager
  • The Freudian Psychosexual Stages and the Oedipus Complex in hw
  • Vitality as seen in handwriting
  • Writing on Envelopes
  • Word and line spacing
  • Zones in handwriting
[wc_box color=”primary” text_align=”left”] The Significance and Meaning of the Signature [/wc_box] Signatures are like the covers of books. They project how people want others to see them. They are the public image. They may be the real personality or they may be a facade revealing little of the genuine character. Introductory price $29.97*. *This price may be changed without further notice Info            :  1 Volume; 73 Pages Price    :  $29.97  Order Now
[wc_box color=”primary” text_align=”left”] How to Spot Personality Conflicts in Handwriting [/wc_box] A major problem for many analysts is identifying and describing conflicting traits in handwriting. But conflicting traits DO occur together more often than not. What do you say when…

  • secretiveness and talkativeness seem at odds with each other?
  • yieldingness occurs together with stubbornness ?
  • the score for determination clashes with the score for willpower?
  • broadmindedness and narrow-mindedness are equally strong?

But now there is help. How to Spot Personality Traits in Handwriting covers everything you need. No matter what system of handwriting you use, this book will help you to describe personality conflicts in a way that is not confusing and that your clients understand. Nearly all possible conflicting trait combinations are listed for you in clear and concise language. Simply copy the phrases word for word into your analysis or make some changes to fit your own personal style. You simply cannot fail with this book. Info        : 1 Volume; 103 Pages Price      : $ 28 Order Now

“I’ve only quickly read the “How to Spot Personality Conflicts” book, I plan to go back to it for a serious read-through and compare with samples. If a person’s mind is a maze, then this book is a good guide to what sort of traps, locks, and hidden doors, can potentially be there and need to be navigated through. A well integrated person would have less of these, a very incongruent person many more. I think that book has far more potential than just graphology / graphotherapy.”   Sincerely, Paul CR Harrison pcrharrison@gmail.com
Paul CR Harrison pcrharrison@gmail.com

I just finished reading your book “How to Spot Personality Conflicts”. It has been very helpful and it has certainly made linking traits easier. I definitely intend to “learn” it and not just read it. Since I didn’t take the Comprehensive Course but only the SSS and the Evaluated Traits Course, I thought I had missed out on the part of linking traits but it is wonderfully described in this book. I think every student of the SSS course should also purchase this book as it greatly helps in understanding the complexity of the personality of the writer.





[wc_box color=”primary” text_align=”left”] Analyze Handwriting Like A Pro [/wc_box] The biggest problem with most handwriting courses is that they only teach how to identify handwriting traits. This is the reason that most graphologists are really good at identifying traits. However, only a handful of experts in the field of graphology know how to tie these traits together to form the true personality of the writer. They are able to link one personality trait to another and before they even start writing, they have a complete picture of the writer’s personality in their mind. If this is the level of expertise that you would like to be at…if you would like to improve your abilities as a handwriting analyst…if you want to catapult your handwriting skills to the next level then you need this book. This book shows you 15 analyses, exactly as I prepare them for my clients, I leave no stone unturned and literally spill every secret I have to writing a perfect analysis. Each of these 15 examples gives you a blow-by blow account of precisely how I link traits together to form the person’s personality. These 15 reports can become templates for you to use over and over again. IT’S LIKE HAVING ME IN YOUR HOME OR OFFICE GUIDING YOU EVERY STEP OF THE WAY. Info        : 1 Volume; 153 Pages Price      : $ 19  Order Now
[wc_box color=”primary” text_align=”left”] Write It Faster [/wc_box] If you:

  • have trouble writing analyses
  • write a lot of analyses
  • are just starting out writing analyses

This book is PURE GOLD. With nearly 800 pages, Write It Faster is the most comprehensive book of trait descriptions available today. You can simply copy and paste the phrases into your analysis. Trait descriptions in “Write It Faster” are so plentiful that you will not run out of things to say, no matter how many analyses you write. Info         : 1 Volume; 705 Pages Price       : $ 75  Order Now

[wc_box color=”primary” text_align=”left”] Analysts’ Handbook [/wc_box] In 1981, I published the original “Analysts’ Handbook” of trait descriptions and phrases. It was an instant bestseller and has remained popular throughout the years. This is an updated and expanded version of the original Handbook. The updated Analysts Handbook lists 200+ pages of trait descriptions. Few other books have as much potential to decrease the time it takes you to write an analysis and increase the accuracy of your analysis. If you are interested in writing analyses faster and easier, then you will need this book. Info      :   2 Volumes; Total 374 Pages Price    :  $ 44 Order Now
[wc_box color=”primary” text_align=”left”] Occupational Trait Inventory [/wc_box] The book lists trait requirements for approximately 500 jobs based upon trait requirements by the U.S. Department of Labor. The Occupational Trait Inventory is a MUST for those analysts who evaluate handwritings for vocational purposes. It is not an instructional book on handwriting analysis. You are expected to have a working knowledge about personality traits and how to determine them from a person’s writing. The third edition of the Occupational Trait Inventory has been completely updated and revised. Many new career areas have been added to keep up with today’s changing career market. Info        : 1 Volume; 110 Pages Price    :  $ 27  Note   : BONUS material in Comprehensive Course Program Order Now
MARKETING AIDS AND RESOURCES FOR GRAPHOLOGISTS After you have successfully completed your graphology courses or reading material, the next logical step will be marketing your services. You could do this the “hard way” by trial and error, like I used to do, or you can go the easy route by using the books on the Marketing Resources Page. These books will give you a detailed road map to successfully marketing yourself and your handwriting analysis business and becoming a successful, money-making graphologist.
[wc_box color=”primary” text_align=”left”] Marketing Your Handwriting Analysis in the Internet Age [/wc_box] In this book we are sharing with you exactly the steps I took to become a successful, money-making graphologist. From the start, this book will remove major stumbling blocks for you, namely

  1. how to create a market for your services;
  2. how to market your services effectively and
  3. how to get paid accordingly.

Without this book, you may have to spend several years of your time to learn what I know and spend several thousand dollars in the process. But with this book,the right steps to take are made clear to you so you can quickly know how to market your services as I do. Info   : 1 Volume; 215 Pages Price      :  $ 38 Note    :  BONUS material in Comprehensive Course Program Order Now

[wc_box color=”primary” text_align=”left”] Profit Guide [/wc_box] This is a reprint of the he original 1977 highly coveted PROFIT GUIDE, the first book ever published by Dr. Karohs. It has been out of print for several years and is now selling as a classic for $50+ on eBay! Except for the cover, this edition follows the original book exactly. Info    : 1 Volume; 125 Pages Price  :  $ 30  Order Now
[wc_box color=”primary” text_align=”left”] How To Hire The Best Candidate Every Time [/wc_box] During interviews, job candidates will show courtesy and friendliness, an eager attitude, a remarkable resume, and immaculate references. They will hide evidence of slovenly work habits, lack of motivation, refusal to obey rules, the habit of failing to meet deadlines, stubbornness irritability, temper, difficulties in getting along with others and duplicity. How To Hire the Best Candidate Every Time is a unique tool to uncover a candidate’s true personality. Once you put this knowledge to use, you will know with certainty which candidates to choose and which to avoid. Whether you are the boss or a graphological consultant, you will be truly able to select the best candidate every time. Info     : 1 Volume; 73 Pages Price   : $ 27  Order Now
[wc_box color=”primary” text_align=”left”] The Good Versus The Bad Credit Risk [/wc_box] With business crime in the billions and employee pilferage steadily on the rise, the skill to weed out potential credit risks is becoming more and more valuable. The Good Versus The Bad Credit Risk is is invaluable to people working in the credit field. It provides detailed information how to spot the credit worthy individual as well as the potential credit risk quickly and accurately. A worksheet is included. Info     :  1 Volume; 91 Pages Price        $ 27  Order Now
[wc_box color=”primary” text_align=”left”] Lectures on CD [/wc_box] On the CD are four lectures ready to print and use. They include fully prepared visuals that can be printed on plastic transparencies. The lecture titles are: 1. The WRITE Approach (with 33 visuals) 2. T’s tell tales on you (33 visuals) 3. Your Personal Letter “I” (29 visuals) 4. Focus on Effectiveness (10 visuals). This is an excellent lecture for a presentation to a professional group or to sales people. Combination price for all 4 lectures on one CD is Info        : 1 CD Price      :  $ 57 Order Now
[wc_box color=”primary” text_align=”left”] How Big Is Your Sales Potential [/wc_box] This is a 4-8 hour seminar program for sales people. It teaches sales people how to recognize and analyze their own most important traits – their success traits as well as the conflicts that badger them and hold them back. They also learn how to “read” their customers’ writing in order to approach them as individuals, thereby establishing rapport and putting both sales person and customer at ease. You can easily tailor this program to your own lecturing needs. Info         : 1 Volume; 94 Pages Price     : $ 27  Order Now


[wc_box color=”primary” text_align=”left”] Use Handwriting Analysis INSTANTLY 100+ Handwriting Analysis Traits Illustrated and Described [/wc_box] Latest Publication: Dr. Karohs has just published her fourth KINDLE ebook, Use Handwriting Analysis INSTANTLY 100+ Handwriting Analysis Traits Illustrated and Described. The book is available only at Amazon.com (click on “Kindle Store”) available for only $4.99. 156 pages, this book is not available for purchase anywhere other than Amazon. Although it is not available for purchase directly on karohs.com, please click here to go to Amazon’s Kindle Store. If you don’t have a Kindle, you can get free Kindle Reading apps for both PC and Mac at Amazon. Info  : 1 volume; 156 Pages Price            :   $4.99 (Kindle) See In Amazon

  Marijuana Killed My Cancer and is keeping me cancer-free   SHORAK - Marijuana Killed My Cancer by Michael Karohs

Latest Publication: If you are searching for Dr. Karohs’ cancer book, it is only available on Amazon. Dr. Erika Karohs tells the story of her son Mike’s miraculous cancer healing with cannabis. In November 2012, he was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma. After three operations, including a colostomy and subsequent chemotherapy, mother and son searched for alternative treatments, but most of what they found was snake oil information—dishonest people trying to sell so-called “miracle cures” to vulnerable patients,” often with fancy sales pitches.
A German university’s research article about cannabis treatment for cancer changed Mike’s life. After several months of cannabis therapy doctors confirmed that Mike was cancer free.
Not being fully satisfied with dispensary marijuana strains, Mike started developing his own. By now, he has generated dozens of amazingly powerful SHORAK cannabis strains, mostly for the treatment of cancer, but also for other diseases like epilepsy, Tourette syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, MS, chronic pain management, sleep disorders, chemotherapy side effects, PTSD, etc.
For nearly three years, mother and son have worked actively in cancer support groups. Friends and cancer patients with whom Mike shared his products experienced amazing healings.
The book explains in detail the steps to take (or not to take) for killing cancer with cannabis. Please go to www.Amazon.com, click on Kindle Store and search for “Erika Karohs, Marijuana Killed My Cancer and is keeping me cancer-free”. The book is $3.49 and free for Kindle Unlimited members. This book is not available for purchase anywhere other than Amazon (click on Kindle Store). Please click here to go to Amazon’s Kindle Store. If you don’t have a Kindle, you can get free Kindle Reading apps for both PC and Mac at Amazon. Price            :   $3.49 (Kindle)  See in Amazon  

If you are eager to get started on these exciting books, ORDER NOW The books and study materials will be sent to you promptly via Indonesian EMS priority mail.

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