Comprehensive Course (old)

Comprehensive Course of Handwriting Analysis



If you are as interested in making money from handwriting analysis as we believe you are, and want to do it faster, easier, and more profitably, you do not want to miss out on the KAROHS Comprehensive Course of Handwriting Analysis® because it gives you MORE than most other schools’ basic, intermediate and advanced courses combined. GUARANTEED!


 A recent student wrote: “Dear Erika, I am an excited graduate of the ISHA, having completed my diploma module end of October 2013! I enrolled for this course after trawling the internet for similar handwriting course and I was pleasantly surprised. Being of an investigative and analytical disposition myself, I found the modular course material well researched and the practical exercises easy to absorb. The cost of the diploma course left me with the satisfaction of having received value for every dollar spent I am certainly going to enroll for the next step, the SSS course as this will prepare me for making handwriting analysis a full time occupation. Haman Gwede (11-14-2013) 


WE CAN PROMISE YOU that once you have successfully completed the course, you will have all the knowledge and the tools to work as a professional, money-making handwriting analyst.


How The “Comprehensive Course” Differs From Other Courses

It teaches:

  • The scientifically recognized handwriting traits in depth
  • How to measure emotional responsiveness through writing slant (a problem area in most other courses)
  • How individual traits relate to each other, or influence, or modify each other. (very important information – not included in other courses)
  • Step-by-step (with examples) how to write accurate, professional, marketable analyses that you can confidently and proudly present to your clients (not available with other courses)
  • How to market your services in order to earn a respectable income (not included in this form in other courses).
  • The Comprehensive course is taught by a practicing graphologist with a Masters degree or a Ph. D. in psychology and advanced knowledge about the course. At the KAROHS International School of Handwriting Analysis®, a degree in psychology is a MUST for ALL trainers.

 Erika, please use my words in your testimonials:

You will have to search the land and seas, to find material like these.” I know because that was exactly hat I have been through! Thank you. Gert Pieters, South Africa  GCPieters@

Dear Dr. Karohs, Your course material arrived three days ago. The material exceeds the expectations I had.  The detail and comprehensive manner this course material portrays must have been a time consuming endeavor.  A super course! Don Blois,  donblois@ 


Growth of the Comprehensive Course from the year 1984img_graph

In 1984, this course started as a 2-volume “Basic Course.” Over the years, so much material was added that it eventually became the “Comprehensive Course of Handwriting Analysis®

Because of the addition of so many features, the course had become cumbersome. In 2009, the course was divided into 5 modules, with each module teaching one specific aspect of the course. (A Module is similar to a 16 week college semester. Students are awarded 3 study units per Module).

Changes in the 2010 edition served mostly to enhance the motivational aspects of the course, such as recognizing students’ efforts through end-of-module transcripts; and rewarding outstanding students’ achievements with a high status “Honor Roll” diploma.


The 2011 edition has been painstakingly revised. Several traits have been deleted, or added, or edited, in accordance with latest research. Detailed explanations about the reasons for these changes have been included.

For the 2014 edition, Module 3 has been expanded to include additional material for identifying problem traits and conflicts traits in handwriting. The worksheets have been revised and certain items have been corrected.


img_books_artCourse Materials for the 2014 edition

Starting with the 2014 course edition, students will receive the printed course version exclusively. PDF versions are no longer available.

Books are mailed in sturdy boxes, clearly identifiable by their big green label with the ISHA logo.


Dear Erika: After receiving and looking through the material in the Basic and SSS courses, I must admit that I am impressed.  This course is an exceptional value. It’s truly a “college education in a box!” John Ostrander jostrander@

box_material   box_compre




Module 1: “Learning Traits”

Modules 1 and 2 are devoted to teaching personality traits. All traits are described and illustrated in depth.

100+ traits are clustered into 10 chapters, each chapter dealing with one personality syndrome:

  1. Responsiveness & emotional memory,
  2. Thinking patterns,
  3. Self-concept,
  4. Drives,
  5. Productivity,
  6. Interpersonal relations,
  7. Communiation skills
  8. Aptitudes,
  9. Defenses and
  10. Fears

While most other handwriting courses list only brief trait descriptions the Comprehensive Course provides detailed explanations.

In addition,  a bonus book (“Book 3”) offers many more descriptions for each of the 100+ traits.

No other course provides so many trait descriptions and in such depth

For instance, when learning the trait “cumulative (methodial thinking) students are given the following learning aids:

BOOK 1 (brief explanation and illustration):


BOOK 3 (in-depth explanation):


BOOK 5 (More in-depth explanation):



I just wanted to send you a quick email and say wow! Talk about amazing. This is absolutely wonderful. The information contained in the courses, the illustrations, everything is incredible.
Thank you for taking the time to compose this system and make it available to those curious minds who want to know.  I have had a hard time putting it down. Thank you again,  Lisacom-lprovost@ 


Module One includes a self-test for each of the ten lessons.

Test answers can be checked against the model answers that are also provided.


Upon completion of each module, students will submit a Module Test to KAROHS International School of Handwriting Analysis. In return, they will be awarded a Transcript (see illustration below) listing the units studied, the module grade, and the grade point average. If the GPA is 3.5 or higher, students will be included in KAROHS International School of Handwriting Analysis’s prestigious honor roll.



Course Materials for Module 1:

(1)   Welcome and study guide

(2)   Module 1 components list

(3)   Self-tests and model answers

(4)   Answer-request form

(5)   Book One: Manual (see illustration)

(6)   Book Two: Manual (see illustration)

(7)   Book Three: Trait Descriptions (see illustration)

(8)   End of Module test



Module 2: “Learning to Measure Slant”

Measuring is one of the most frustrating and often confusing subjects for beginning analysts. Well, not anymore.

Module 2 if the Karohs Comprehensive Course includes a special manual for learning  how to Measure Slant correctly and consistently.

Our Module 2 manual “The Complete Course on Measuring and Measurements” provides students with step-by-step instructions and examples.

Contrary to other courses, who only teach up-slant measuring, the KAROHS International School of Handwriting Analysis course includes downslant measurements as well. This gives the analyst as much deeper and much more accurate into the personality. It depicts the writer’s first instinctive emotional reaction (up-slant) as well as his/her considered rational response (down-slant).




Course Materials for Module 2:

(1)   Study guide for module 2

(2)   Module 2 components list

(3)   Self-test for measuring

(4)   Measuring worksheet

(5)   Protractor for measuring slant

(6)   Measuring course (see illustration)

(7)   End of Module test



What the student says:

Wow. I’m so impressed. I have a rudimentary understanding of graphology through prior self-study but this!  Oh yes! Very well organized and comprehensive beyond my highest expectations. I’m ready to dig in. Molly Evans 

Dear Erika, When I installed the CD you sent I realized you had included many free bonus items and even bonus courses. Thank you so much! I was overwhelmed. The courses are so well written and easy to understand that I was completely surprised. I especially like the course on measuring.  Cyntia Ross GadeRoss@ 


Module 3, “Learning to Write General Analyses”

Students transferring to KAROHS International School of Handwriting Analysis (before, called ISHA) from other schools are often surprised how easily they learn to write analyses.

With other schools, students are taught personality traits and given a few descriptions. The KAROHS course goes much further than this. It also teaches how traits relate to each other and how they modify, intensify and reduce each other’s intensity.

As a result, KAROHS International School of Handwriting Analysis course graduates write analysis confidently and easily.

Many of our graduates report to us how their reports impress their clients and how they boost and enhance their credibility as professional analysts.

  • Module 3 teaches writing “General Analyses.”
  • Module 4 teaches writing “Vocational Analyses.”

Both modules cover in detail how to

(a)   identify traits, and

(b)   write the analysis from beginning to end.

Both modules includes the analysis form, sample analyses and plenty of examples.

What the student says:

Hi, Erika I had a chance to look over the course materials and am very impressed with how well organized it is.  I am also very impressed in the amount of work and time you put into all of this.  I am happy I chose to study under youRoy Fenoff (fenofrr 

 Hi Erika,

… As you know, I have enrolled in two other graphology courses in the past and was very unhappy with the results.  I also own many handwriting analysis books but find that none of them really teaches the materials in an easy to follow, clear and thorough way.

I am so pleased to have found you and your course material. Your writing is clear, there is no puffery to cover up a lack in knowledge, as I’ve seen in other’s works. I thank you for being so accessible to us students and for your time and effort in developing great courses.

The trait dictionaries are amazing – these alone are just about worth the price of the entire course. The number of different ways to describe a trait, and in varying intensities, is so valuable! Thank you! I’ll let you know as I have questions. Linda (The address is in my files and available upon request) 


As a special bonus, two more volumes with plenty of trait descriptions are included (volume 5 & 6). With our “mountain” of trait descriptions you will never run out of things to say, no matter how many analyses you write.

Also listed are opening statements, closing statements, connecting phrases, etc.



Course materials for Module 3:

(1)   Study guide for module 3

(2)   Module 3 components list

(3)   Attachments to module 3:

  • General Handwriting Analysis form
  • Trait list
  • Trait list with illustrations
  • Sample General Analysis form
  • Sample trait list
  • Intensity table
  • Handwriting sample

(4)   Book Four: General Analysis Guide (see illustration)

(5)   Book Five: General Trait Descriptions 1 (see illustration)

(6)   Book Six: General Trait Descriptions 2 (see illustration)

(7)   End of Module test


We guarantee that you will be taught how to prepare a complete and accurate report, step-by-step like this:




Module 4: “Learning to Write Vocational Analyses”

No other school we know of teaches specifically how to write vocational analyses.

Our Module 4 covers vocational analyses exclusively.

Writing effective vocational analyses is something that Dr. Karohs has been doing successfully for 28+ years.  In the KAROHS International School of Handwriting Analysis course, we teach how to write vocational analyses just as  easily and painlessly  and profitably.

Except you don’t have to learn things the hard way.

Dr. Karohs says, “When I first started writing analyses for business clients, I took copious notes on scratch paper, but usually ended up with a jumbled mess. I lost my train of thought, went off track and often was so frustrated that I lost my enthusiasm altogether. Little by little, I developed organized worksheets slashing writing time considerably, and also greatly improving the quality of my work.”

Today, KAROHS International School of Handwriting Analysis course students can enjoy the benefits of all that work.

All the pain of writing analyses will disappear when you use the guidance and the organized tools we provide for you in the KAROHS International School of Handwriting Analysis course.

But that is not all.

BOOK 8 is yet another volume chockfull of trait descriptions specifically for vocational analyses.


Course Materials for Module 4:

(1)   Study guide for module 4

(2)   Module 4 components List

(3)   Attachments to module 4

  • Vocational Handwriting Analysis form
  • Vocational trait list & worksheet
  • Job descriptions form
  • Handwriting sample form
  • Intensity table

(4)   Book Seven: Vocational Analysis Guide (see illustration)

(5)   Book Eight: Vocational Trait Descriptions 1 (see illustration)

(6)   Bonus book: Occupational Trait Inventory

(7)   End of Module test

Another SPECIAL BONUS for YOU !!!

The Occupational Trais Inventory lists trait requirements for approximately 500 jobs based upon trait requirements by the U.S. Department of Labor. A MUST for vocational analyses.  (A $ 27 value!)




Module 5: “Marketing Your Services”

After passing the diploma test and earning their prestigious diploma, graduates are ready to market their services. Module 5 provides valuable tools.

Course Materials for Module 5:

(1)   Guide for module 5

(2)   Module 5 components list

(3)   Diploma test

(4)   Nine Book: Questions and Answers (see illustration). This book is a compilation of student questions and answers by Dr. Karohs about various course subjects.




With Module 5 you also receive 3 Valuable Bonus Items:

1.    “Making Your Handwriting Sell in the Internet Age” bonus_marketing

In essence, the diploma test would finish the course. But in today’s competitive business environment just knowing handwriting analysis is not enough. Many reputable graphology schools teach their students handwriting analysis, but ignore the important skills required to earn a respectable income.

With the Comprehensive Course, students also receive a complete graphology business startup system.

“Making Your Handwriting Analysis Sell” is the result of many years of testing the marketing strategies included in the Manual. It gives valuable information how to earn money as a graphologist both off-line and on the World Wide Web.

It contains practical hints on getting into a consulting business, marketing letters, and contracts for the handwriting professional; in short, all the tools needed to a handwriting analysis practice off the ground.

(A $38 value!)

2.    Dictionary of Personality Traits as Seen in Handwriting Book.


As still another  bonus, students will receive the book,”Dictionary of Personality Traits”.

Especially our beginning analysts tell us how they appreciate this easy reference and how the dictionary decreases the time to check up on traits.

The dictionary is amply illustrated.

(A $29 value!)



3.    A set of 112 Flash Cards.

The  bonuses keep coming…

Our highly popular set of flash cards (pictured below) makes analysis faster and easier. After cutting the sheets into individual cards, they fit easily into in a briefcase or pocketbook, or you can take them with you and be the life of a party.

And each time you leaf through the cards, you impress traits more firmly upon your memory until you are able to recite their meaning automatically.


 (A $25 value!)



Comprehensive, Personalized Support

With all our courses, students are entitled to FREE e-mail support. A “Question/Answer” form is provided with each course.

Student Questions and Answers 2014:
To help our student with their studies, the KAROHS International School of Handwriting Analysis® is offering full e-mail support.
To avail yourself of this service by our highly trained support staff please observe the following rules:

  1. Use the downloadable Question/Answer form here: [wpdm_file id=1] (a copy was also provided with your course materials);
  2. Follow the rules on the Question/Answer form implicitly. Disregard will delay or void getting an answer to you.
  3. Send your request to the following e-mail address:

This privilege is for enrolled students only. Do not write if you are not an enrolled student; your questions will not be answered.

Our Question/Answer support is a voluntary service offered by the KAROHS International School of Handwriting Analysis®. It may be discontinued without further notice at any time.


Dear Erika,

Your course is fabulous! Certainly more than I ever perceived it to be!  Your integrity and support Erika is an astounding bonus which won me over, as the many others in your testimonials. I would definitely highly recommend your course to anyone who is truly serious in pursuit of a career in graphology.

I did take an eight week workshop in basic analysis in 1987 and found it intriguing, but was no comparison to what you offer. You haven’t left one stone unturned in your material Erika, therefore I can’t really think of any questions I may have for you. I would highly recommend your basic course prior to taking the SSS course as well, as a foundation to build upon even with previous knowledge in the basics.

I truly feel this is a wise investment well spent, and menial in cost, for what you have compiled in knowledge and research. Kudos go to you Erika, in your passionate endeavors, and your generosity in sharing your knowledge with others!  Sincerely, Emily Yankoski Saskatoon, Sask. Canada yankoski@ 



“The best decision you’ll ever make Imagine having freedom from a mind-numbing dead-end job, the pleasure of working from the comfort of your own home, a thirty second commute… Enrolling may be just one of the best decisions of your life. Do it right now and say… “Welcome to my new life”!”

Dr. Erika M Karohs



New printed only course edition lower course cost!!!

The “old” printed course price was $1797 plus $30 priority postage and handling.

Starting in  2014, we not only improved the course material, but also we also offer it at a considerably lower price: $1297  And the shipping is FREE!! No matter where in the world you live – yes, postage is FREE!


The books and study materials will be sent to you promptly via EMS postage mail.

This means that you can start your studies within a few working days!

What are you waiting for? let’s:

Register now


8 Powerful Reasons to take this course

1. The course offers you solid, no-hype information.

Dr. Karohs has studied at renowned institutes of higher learning in Germany, at the prestigious Psychological/Graphological Institute in Zurich, Switzerland, and the Monterey Institute of International Studies. She has also studied every worthwhile course of handwriting analysis in the U.S. Her own lifelong studies are reflected in the quality and depth of her courses. Aside from her study courses, she has written more than 70 books and many articles on the subject of handwriting analysis.

2. All our courses are taught by practicing graphologists with degrees in psychology

All our courses are taught by practicing graphologists with either an M.A. degree or a Ph. D. in psychology.

We are not a mail order “school” that bases its lessons upon hypothetical situations without real live experience or dollar results to back them up.

We are not calling ourselves “university” – our courses are truthfully being taught at an accredited university, with more classes at other universities most likely to follow.

Our instructors are practicing graphologists. Since 1978, Dr. Karohs, herself, has worked for corporate clients on a daily basis, writing two to four analyses per day.

Besides being a consultant, Dr. Karohs has lectured to such prestigious professional groups as the Sales and Marketing Executives International, Financial Institutions Marketing Assn., the Life Office Management Assn. ,the  Federal Bar Assn., Commerce Clearing House, the Sales and Marketing Association of America, Women in Business, the Savings Institutions Marketing Society of America, the Mutual Funds and Investment Management Assn. etc. etc. Articles about her work have been published in numerous newspapers and and professional publications.

In addition to being a graphologist, Dr. Karohs has 24 years of college teaching experience. She holds life time teaching credentials, and has taught both the Comprehensive and the SSS courses at Monterey Peninsula College.

3. We are trustworthy

When you deal with us, you can depend upon our honesty and integrity. Our word is our bond. Our customers will testify to the fact thatwe live up to our promises and that we often deliver more than they expect.

I highly recommend both Erika and her materials. You will not find a more generous and dedicated teacher anywhere. I will always feel privileged and grateful to have had Erika as my mentor. Her serious students become the best! If you give her only half of what she gives you….you’re on your way to becoming an excellent analyst. Kathy Goetz, KAGO2@

Dear Erika, You may use my E-mail to you as a testimonial with the greatest of pleasure. Nothing has been too much trouble for you and as I have said before you have enthusiastically and spontaneously “gone the extra mile”. There are a lot of sharks out there and it is such a pleasure to do business with a giver rather than a takerEd Harris, New Zealand


4. Support second to none.

One of students’ main concerns is about support. When you study with KAROHS International School of Handwriting Analysis, you will get support second to none. You may e-mail us any course-related question and expect a detailed answer within 72 hours. A Question/Answer form is included with the course materials.

What you do is very ‘professional’, but you have a ‘personal touch’ which is very refreshing and very important (to me at least). I  Huw Griffiths” huw@ 


5. With the Comprehensive Course you get everything up front.

Most handwriting analysis schools will send you one lesson at a time. That means that if you have to temporarily interrupt your studies, you will get no lessons during that time. And if for some reason you have to quit the course, you will never get the rest of the materials, even though you paid for them. With the Comprehensive Course, you’ll get all study materials up front. As soon as your order is received, everything is shipped to you That means that within a few working days, you can start your lessons.

6. Free transcript after each module

Unlike any other handwriting analysis school, KAROHS International School of Handwriting Analysis offers a transcript after each completed Module, listing the number of units studied, the student’s grade for the module and the Grade Point Average (GPA) for the course up to that point.


7. Honor Roll Diploma

Students who have a GPA of 3.5 or higher will be included in our prestigious Honor Roll. Students who maintain Honor Roll status for all 5 modules will receive a separate beautiful Honor Roll Diploma upon graduation.


8. FREE Diploma

Most “schools” charge a hefty fee for the diploma implying to students that if they will pay an extra fee, they will get a certificate that means more than the one that is issued for free. That is absolutely untrue! ISHA grants a “SECURITY” diploma.


(With its beautiful border and golden seal, printed on heavy parchment, the diploma looks actually much prettier than on this web site). You will be proud to display this prestigious diploma which is highly esteemed in the graphological community and acknowledged as a sign of superior training in the corporate world.

Upon successful completion of your diploma test you will receive a notification via email and your diploma will be mailed to you within eight weeks. In the unlikely event that there should be any problems with the diploma, you have six months from the date of the notification to send a request for rectification. Once that deadline has expired, the diploma will be presumed as delivered. If a diploma has to be re-issued because of faulty information by the graduate (name, address etc.) there will be a $15 re-issue charge.

Important notice for home study program students! The Karohs International School of Handwriting Analysis is not an accredited school and there is currently no official licensing agency for graphology; therefore, diplomas are not officially accredited. The diplomas issued by the KAROHS International School of Handwriting Analysis® certify that graduates have successfully completed a study course and have complied with all the requirements for the completion of the course.

Because Dr. Karohs is recognized as a one of the world’s foremost graphologists and her courses are unquestionably unmatched by other courses currently available, diplomas issued by the KAROHS International School of Handwriting Analysis® and graduates trained by Dr. Karohs are highly esteemed both in the graphological and corporate world.

Important notice for University program students! The diplomas for university program students will be issued by the KAROHS International School of Handwriting Analysis® in unison with Maranatha University.



Scholarships for members of law enforcement and Armed Forces

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Image : &

We offer discounts to members of law enforcement or the armed forces. If you are a Peace Officer or a member of the Armed Forces, especially with duty related disabilities, you will get special consideration.

To apply: Contact Us



Do you know, you can get SPECIAL PRICE when you enroll in our Special Pack Course Program?  See more here:  Price Information 


Quick Link:

 FAQ (Frequently Asked Question)  Price Information   Registration Process : How to Enroll   TESTIMONY : What Student Says about the Courses   Back to COURSES Information   


See detail courses programs (click the image below):


course beginner  course comprehensive   course evaluated   course intermediate     course master

Copyright © 2014 the KAROHS International School of Handwriting Analysis®. All rights reserved.
No image or portion of this website may be copied or reproduced without written permission.