Free Article about Handwriting Analysis
From “Sunday Lessons III”
#1: Rolled Strokes
According to Crépieux-Jamin, rolled strokes were among the earliest signs recognized by people fascinated with handwriting analysis. Moreau de la Sarthe, the French publisher of Lavater’sworks, considered them evidence of presumptuousness and conceit.
Michon on the other hand, saw them as “harmless frills in the writing if pubescent girls indulging in innocent coquetry.” He maintained that these “youthful exuberances disappear as soon as they become happy mothers and wives. Indications of simplicity then take the place of this guileless adornments of youth which few people at this age can escape.”
Crépieux-Jamin objected fervently to Michon’s gentle interpretation. He maintains that he continued to observe the handwritings of certain people from youth into adulthood. Only in rare cases, he says, was there a change from embellished to simplified writing. “In comparing old notebooks of presumptuous people,” he declares, “we found that they had retained this trait from early youth.”
It appears that the majority of graphologists agree with Crépieux-Jamin. Gerstner describes rolled initial and final strokes as evidence of conceit and vanity. He adds that these individuals “tend to be premeditated and calculating in thinking and actions.”
Preyer found rolled strokes in the writing of basically insignificant people with an exaggerated sense of self-importance. “These are the people who conceitedly preen in front of a mirror, even in the presence of strangers; showing exaggerated mannerisms so that even innocent bystanders cannot help noticing it.”
Mendelsohn maintains that “the monstrous snails’ houses point toward vanity as well as untruthfulness and evasiveness.”
Contemporary graphologists have retained the theory that rolled strokes belong to vain, overbearing and arrogant persons who, especially in interpersonal relationships, are sly and cunning. Insincerity can run the gamut from evasiveness to malice and corruption.
They are pronounced egotists, arrogant and acquisitive. They want to obtain everything, not only to possess but to manipulate their possessions according to his whims and fancies.
Max Pulver, a Swiss graphologist, asserts that the meaning of rolled strokes depends upon the zone and position in which they occur.
Rolled strokes in the upper zone
Rolled strokes in the upper zone expose lack of mental discipline, usually combined with substandard performance. These writers are ostentatious and preoccupied with non-essentials. They are contentious; they know it all and allegedly have the better answer for everything. They tend to brag and exaggerate their own accomplishments. Old graphology called them fantasy liars.
Rolled strokes in the middle zone
In the middle zone, rolled strokes are especially significant when they occur in the letters a, b, c, d, g, and o.
These individuals tend to believe, “I am the center of the world.” They are grasping and covetous. They are always trying to snatch something from others while at the same time protecting themselves. Always trying to manipulate people and situations to their advantage, they feel no respect for others and their interests. They are dishonest and insincere. The more frequent the rolled strokes are, the more intense is the attribute.
Pulverbelieves that rolled strokes in garlanded formations reveal exaggerated self-protective tendencies.
Rolled strokes in the lower zone
These individuals are grudge bearers who burden themselves with memories of hurts from the past.
They relive them over and over again as if they were happening now. They brood on events that can’t be changed and agonize over relationships that are no longer part of their lives. They continue to react in memory to past pain, and they give the person or event that caused the pain the power to hurt them over and over again. Since they approach everything from the viewpoint of the past, they are lasting enemies. They can say outwardly that they forgive, but inwardly, they never forget.
In combination with narrowmindedness, these people are vindictive. They may spend a considerable amount of time thinking of ways to get even and relish the thought of other people getting “what is coming to them.”
With far forward slant and heavy pressure, the writers are even more unforgiving, jealous and revengeful. They expect to be sought after and have others dance in attendance.
If rolled strokes occur in arcaded g-loops, the people cannot be pinned down, they always leave themselves a loophole and a way out.
Rolled strokes in signatures
These strokes belong to vain, overbearing individuals who, especially in interpersonal relationships, are sly and cunning. Insincerity can run the gamut from evasiveness to malice and corruption. They are pronounced egotists. They want to obtain everything they are interested in, not only to possess, but to manipulate their possessions according to their whims and fancies. They are calculating in thinking and action. In most cases, they are devious and inscrutable individuals.
With rolled strokes to the left of the signature, the writers may be entangled in wrongdoing with subsequent guilt feelings.
When rolled strokes occur as additions to signature the writers are devious and inscrutable individuals.
Signature with rolled strokes in initial and final position
These writers are basically insignificant individual with an exaggerated sense of self-importance. They believe that they are the center of the world. They are conceited and vain and exaggerate their significance and accomplishments. Always trying to manipulate people and situations to their advantage. they lack respect for others and their interests.
Grasping and covetous, they are often trying to snatch something from others while at the same time protecting themselves.
In interpersonal relationships, they are dishonest and insincere; they are sly and cunning. Other may not trust him because of his self-protective tendencies and craftiness.
As most of you know, students are sending me questions of all kinds on a daily basis. Every so often, I’ll include those of general interest with the Sunday lessons.
I have chosen the question/answer below because they cover two little known handwriting indicators
Dear Erika:
Are the two samples I am sending you “rolled” strokes?
The samples you sent me do not contain what is graphologically considered “rolled strokes.”
I am going to explain “rolled strokes” first and then your individual handwriting samples afterwards.
Best regards,
Explanations for handwriting samples
Both handwriting samples contain so-called “mirror strokes.” Today’s Lesson will cover example 1. Since sample 2 exposes many additional traits, you will receive the explanation for that signature in Sunday lesson 2.
Explanation of Mirror Strokes
Vanity shown in “parallel” or “mirror” strokes
Parallel or mirror strokes were discovered by Magdalene Ivanovic. They are strokes or letter formations written in a way as if they were mirror images of each other. In the illustration below you will find two sets of parallel strokes (1a and 1b and 2a and 2b).
Parallel strokes express self love, vanity and a “kind of reflective attitude.” The writer “relives an incident in his imagination and reflects upon his own greatness in a self-satisfied way. These formations are found mostly in inferior handwritings. “As the empty pipe is filled by the wind, the empty head is full of vanity,” says Ivanovic. She adds derisively that “every human being possesses as much conceit as he lacks brain and intellect.”
With smoother, more harmonious parallel strokes, the writer’s vanity pertains to his outer appearance; including his apparel. Less pleasing formations, on the other hand, reveal character attributes such as conceit, arrogance, excessive pride and immodesty.
Where parallel strokes are part of the basic letter form rather than an additional adornment, vanity has become an intrinsic part of the writer’s character which will be nearly impossible to eradicate.
Junge claims that the “conceit of very vain clergy men is often noticeable only in parallel strokes because in real life it remains hidden behind a facade of sham humility.”
Mirror strokes in illustration #1:
In illustration #2, the parallel mirror-strokes occur in the first letter
- Johann Caspar Lavater, Physiognomische Fragmente zur Beförderung der Menschenkenntnis und Menschenliebe, (Leipzig and Wintherthur: 1975 – 78) vols. 1 – 4.
- J. Crépieux-Jamin, (fourth edition by Hans A. Busse), Praktisches Lehrbuch der Graphologie (Leipzig: Verlagsbuchhandlung von Paul List, 1897), p. 220.
- ibid., p. 221.
- Herbert Gerstner, Lehrbuch der Graphologie (Celle: Niels Kampmann Verlag, 1925), p. 91.
- W. Preyer, Zur Psychologie des Schreibens (Leipzig: Verlag von Leopold Voss, 1928), p. 91.
- Anja Mendelsohn, Schrift und Seele (Leipzig: Verlag von E. A. Seemann, 1933), p. 101.
- Magdalene Invanovic, Die Handschrift im Lichte der Graphologie, in “Rede und Schrift (Leipzig: Akademische Buchhandlung, 1927), p. 31.
- Otto Junge, Rationale Graphologie (Lüneburg and Warpke: Druck und Verlagsanstalt Hans Baumgartner, 1949, p. 134.
I hope you enjoy “Sunday Lessons Series III”. If you have any questions or would like to recommend topics, please feel free to email me at
An interesting tidbit…
Top 10 Unbelievable Interview Blunders
What is the most unusual thing a candidate has done in a job interview this year? Fall asleep? Disappear? Bring his or her mom? released its annual survey of the most outrageous interview mistakes candidates have made, according to over 3,000 hiring managers and HR professionals nationwide. This year’s Top 10 List includes:
- Candidate answered cell phone and asked the interviewer to leave her own office because it was a “private” conversation.
- Candidate told the interviewer he wouldn’t be able to stay with the job long because he thought he might get an inheritance if his uncle died – and his uncle “wasn’t looking too good.”
- Candidate asked the interviewer for a ride home after the interview.
- Candidate smelled his armpits on the way to the interview room.
- Candidate said she could not provide a writing sample because all of her writing had been for the CIA and it was “classified.”
- Candidate told the interviewer he was fired for beating up his last boss.
- When applicant was offered food before the interview he declined, saying that he didn’t want to line his stomach with grease before going out drinking.
- A candidate for an accounting position said she was a “people person,” not a “numbers person.”
- Candidate flushed the toilet while talking to the interviewer during a phone interview.
- Candidate took out a hair brush and brushed her hair mid-interview.
Comprehensive and Illustrated Descriptions of 215 Personality Traits (6 volume set)
Has this ever happened to you? You have carefully scored a handwriting, but when it comes to actually writing the analysis, the proper word or imaginative phrase simply will not come? Or, the major traits that are glaring at you in a handwriting are sensitiveness and resentment? How do you describe them without being hurtful? With the Comprehensive and Illustrated Descriptions you can painlessly and quickly write analyses you can be proud of. This 6-volume set lists complete trait descriptions (one to several pages per trait) for 215 basic and evaluated traits. Each trait is clearly described and illustrated.
Info : 6 Volumes; Total 586 pages Price : $ 115
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